My Digital Retouching Examples

My Digital Retouching Examples A few examples of recent work in the digital retouching field.  My retouching work includes everything from mannequin, model and accessory imagery, with before and after shots. All images are processed using the popular digital retouching

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My 60's Vogue Inspired Fashion Shoot

My 60's Vogue Inspired Fashion Shoot These images are getting pretty old now, but I thought it would be something nice to share! . Shot on my amazing models Emily Barnett and her sister Daisy from Essex. All images are

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In The Spotlight: The Ragged Priest

In The Spotlight: The Ragged Priest  One of my all time favourite brands. The Ragged Priest is by far one of the most unique and quirky brands out at the moment, and with affordable price tags and unusual garmets, there

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HYPE x THE SIMPSONS When fashion gets funky, it can get FUNKY. The latest to hit the Hype Clothing range is a quirky collaboration with The Simpsons. Think donuts, bright colours and completely outrageous tracksuits.  Designed only for the brave,

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East Londons Best Vintage & Thrift Stores

East Londons Best Vintage & Thrift Stores If you're like me, you'll love a good bargain. If you love creating unusual outfits without the super splurge, there's no better place to start your shop than the thrift stores of East

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Benefit Cosmetics - What's New?!

Benefit Cosmetics - What's New?! One of make-ups most playful and vibrant brands around, Benefit Cosmetics are forever providing us with the highest quality make up. From unique shades to quirky designs, we can't get enough of it. Take a

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This Weeks Top 10 ASOS Products

This Weeks Top 10 ASOS Products  ASOS is a global fashion destination for 20-somethings. Selling cutting-edge ‘fast fashion’ and offering a wide variety of fashion-related content, are a thriving fashion community. Selling over 80,000 branded and own-brand products, there's

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